23. Quiz: Lists and Membership Operators

Quiz: List Indexing

Use list indexing to determine how many days are in a particular month based on the integer variable month , and store that value in the integer variable num_days . For example, if month is 8, num_days should be set to 31, since the eighth month, August, has 31 days.

Remember to account for zero-based indexing!

Start Quiz:

month = 8
days_in_month = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]

# use list indexing to determine the number of days in month


Quiz: Slicing Lists

Select the three most recent dates from this list using list slicing notation. Hint: negative indexes work in slices!

Start Quiz:

eclipse_dates = ['June 21, 2001', 'December 4, 2002', 'November 23, 2003',
                 'March 29, 2006', 'August 1, 2008', 'July 22, 2009',
                 'July 11, 2010', 'November 13, 2012', 'March 20, 2015',
                 'March 9, 2016']
# TODO: Modify this line so it prints the last three elements of the list

Mutability Matching Quiz


Suppose we have the following two expressions, sentence1 and sentence2 :

sentence1 = "I wish to register a complaint."
sentence2 = ["I", "wish", "to", "register", "a", "complaint", "."]

Match the Python code below with the value of the modified sentence1 or sentence2 . If the code results in an error, match it with “Error”.


Python code

Value of sentence1 or sentence2

"I wish to register a complaint!"

["We", "want", "to", "register", "a", “complaint”, "."]

["Our Majesty", "wish", "to", "register", "a", "complaint", "."]

["I", "wish", "to", "register", "a", "complaint", "!"]



Python code

Value of sentence1 or sentence2

["We", "want", "to", "register", "a", “complaint”, "."]

["Our Majesty", "wish", "to", "register", "a", "complaint", "."]

["I", "wish", "to", "register", "a", "complaint", "!"]
